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Comparison of advantages of steel structure and concrete structure


As a consensus, compared with the current common use of concrete, steel structure can be dry construction, save water, construction occupies less land, produces less noise and less dust; Second, due to the reduction of self-weight, the amount of soil taken by foundation construction is small, and the damage to the land is small. The third is to greatly reduce the use of concrete and the use of bricks and tiles, reducing the excavation of mountains and stones around the city, which is conducive to environmental protection; Fourth, the service life of the building expires, the solid waste generated by structural demolition is less, and the recycling price of scrap steel resources is high. From the current point of view, steel structure building is one of the structures with little impact on the urban environment, so it is called green building.

In recent years, the spatial structure represented by the space frame and the reticulated shell has also continued to develop in large numbers. The structure is characterized by reasonable force, large stiffness, light weight, single rod, convenient production and installation, and can meet the requirements of large span, high space and diverse building forms. It is not only used for general civil buildings, but also for industrial plants, hangars, terminals, stadiums, exhibition centers and so on.

At the same time, light steel structure buildings are also developing rapidly, mainly used in light industrial plants, granaries, stadiums, exhibition halls, mobile houses, storey buildings and building materials, furniture and other types of trading markets. Heat preservation, insulation materials, fire prevention, anti-corrosion coatings, lighting components, doors and Windows and connectors that are matched with light steel structures have also been rapidly developed, product quality has been continuously improved, and variety specifications have basically met the needs of light steel buildings.

Due to the light weight of steel structure, good seismic performance, high degree of industrialization, is a green environmental protection products, residential buildings can be a large number of steel structure. The development of steel structure market prospects are very broad, it is in line with the protection of the environment and land resources of the national policy, the total amount of steel products in China is relatively high, for the development of steel structure provides a material basis.