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Daily anti-corrosion work flow of gas station space frame


When selecting materials for gas station space frames, it is essential to choose coatings specifically designed for surface anti-corrosion and rust prevention. Currently, this is one of the most effective means for preserving the steel structure of space frames. Anti-corrosion and rust-proof coatings, including primer, intermediate, and topcoat, should be strictly combined during application to enhance the effectiveness of anti-corrosion efforts, leading to better long-term results.

Gas station space frame roof

Gas station space frames are exposed to the air for extended periods, and with changing weather conditions, increased humidity beyond the capacity of anti-corrosion measures can lead to the formation of a water film on the surface. This can further result in rusting of the gas station space frame structure, particularly in coastal cities with heavy salt-laden air. In such cases, post-rust removal and anti-corrosion efforts become crucial.

When the initial anti-corrosion measures are no longer sufficient to protect the space frame structure, post-application rust removal and prevention for gas station space frames become even more critical. To ensure effective anti-corrosion for gas station space frames, the following three points should be emphasized: thorough surface rust removal, selection of high-performance materials, and achieving a specified thickness for anti-corrosion and rust-proof coatings.

Proper surface treatment for gas station space frames is paramount. With effective treatment, under the same paint, environmental conditions, and coating thickness, the degree of rust resistance can be increased by 3-5 times. It is crucial to clean dirt and rust stains from the surface of gas station space frames, especially in areas where rust stains have already formed, requiring careful and meticulous handling.

To extend the overall lifespan of the anti-corrosion project, it is advisable to combine several high-performance anti-corrosion coatings. This approach not only enhances the thickness of the protective coating but also ensures the longevity of the integrated anti-corrosion project for space frames.