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Design and analysis of steel structure of plant building


Steel structure is a common structure in the construction of factory buildings, which is related to the quality and safety of factory buildings. In the structural design of the plant, the designers should take into account the fire resistance (fire) performance, seismic capacity, moisture and corrosion resistance, etc., to comprehensively improve the quality of the steel structure of the plant, and ensure the stability and safety of the plant.

1.Fire prevention (fire-resistant) design

At present, in the design work of the plant, the designers need to pay attention to many aspects of the problem, especially the actual demand for fire prevention and fire resistance of the plant. In the plant, the production process category, the temperature of the equipment operation, the storage of goods hazardous categories of fire prevention capacity of the plant puts forward different needs: part of the plant is designated as a class A workshop, class A warehouse, these plants must have a high fire resistance; there are also part of the plant is used for metallurgical production, the plant is often the presence of furnaces, kilns, liquid metal molding equipment, etc., the temperature inside the plant is very high, this type of plant also has a high fire resistance requirements. The temperature inside the plant is extremely high, and this kind of plant also has high fireproof performance requirements. Long-term exposure to high temperatures may cause micro-deformation and secondary stresses in the steel structure, thus reducing the service life of the steel (mainly due to the reduction of the yield strength of the steel) and affecting the overall safety of the building structure. In order to ensure the service life of the plant and the life safety of the plant staff, the designers need to consider the use of the plant when designing the structure of the plant, choose the steel with good stability performance, and combine the use of fireproof coating and fireproof compartment to reduce the loss of strength of the steel structure in the process of long-term use, and to avoid the safety hazards of the steel structure such as localized large deformation.

In order to ensure the fireproof performance of the plant structure, designers need to strengthen the understanding of fireproof coating products. Among them, water-based intumescent fireproof coating has outstanding fireproof performance, low pollution to the environment, easy to store, and the painting operation is relatively simple, which can effectively save costs.

In the production of water-based intumescent fire-resistant coatings, the relevant staff should first add additives and water into the dispersion tank, and through the mixing equipment in the form of high-speed rotation to start mixing operations, the speed of 500 rpm, the duration of 5 minutes. Secondly, after completing the high-speed rotation step, the staff should add the flame retardant system, pigment and reinforcing filler in accordance with the established order, and carry out the rotating operation again, with a rotational speed of 2,000 rpm, and the rotating time is controlled within 30 minutes. Finally, the staff to add latex in the mixture and carry out rotating operations, speed 800 rpm, rotating time control in about 15 minutes. At this point, the water-based intumescent fireproof coating can be produced. It should be noted that the staff should choose and use the appropriate latex, control the proportion of pigments, in which the latex mixture can be used polyvinyl acetate latex and acetic acid emulsion for compounding.

2.Anti-seismic design

Seismic performance is an essential consideration in the structural design of the plant. Designers need to consider the construction location of the plant, understand the geology of the region where the plant is located and the historical occurrence of earthquakes in the region, in order to complete the design and installation of the steel structure. When the plant is shaken for a long period of time, the parts may come loose, which may lead to the collapse of the overall structure and affect the life safety of workers. Therefore, in the process of selecting steel structure materials, designers should choose materials with high stability as much as possible. In addition, plant designers should focus on the roof structure of the building to ensure a good combination between different structures and prevent the overall structure from being damaged due to local collapse.

3.anti-corrosion and moisture and steel consumption design

At present, the production of the plant is often accompanied by production tasks, production time is long, the production environment is closed and so on, which is very easy to lead to high humidity in the plant. High humidity in the plant will not only accelerate the degree of oxidation of the steel structure, but also lead to corrosion of the steel structure, the stability of the plant building will be difficult to ensure. Therefore, in the design process of the plant structure, the designers should understand the content of the production work in the plant, but also according to the actual production environment to develop relevant strategies to avoid corrosion of the steel structure. China’s current anti-corrosion work of steel materials to paint mainly, followed by the construction of isolation layer, to ensure that the steel structure is isolated from the external environment. Especially in the area of high steam volume, the construction of the isolation layer can improve the stability of the structure and extend the service life of the steel structure.

In addition, in the process of plant structure design, the designers also need to use professional equipment to calculate the amount of steel, and complete the confirmation of the amount of steel in each sub-project. Designers usually use BIM technology to complete the overall structural design of the steel structure, and simulate the load-bearing capacity of the steel structure through three-dimensional modeling, reveal the deficiencies in the structure, adjust the amount of steel to ensure the stability of the steel structure.