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High-altitude bulk construction of large-span steel structure truss ceiling


With the development of economy and society, people have higher requirements for the construction of engineering projects, which are not limited to the traditional use attributes, but pay more attention to the architectural appearance of engineering projects. Under the background of continuous improvement and innovation of construction technology and mechanical equipment related to the construction industry, the construction scale and construction technology of construction projects are becoming more and more difficult. In some large-scale construction projects, large-span steel structure space frame structure is often used in the construction of the top structure of the building to ensure the construction quality level of the project. The construction of this link must be based on a scientific and reasonable construction design scheme. It also needs to be noted that the various heavy and difficult construction links and the strict management and control of the construction site of the project construction, in order to ensure the overall quality and construction safety of the space frame structure construction, and further lay a good foundation for the construction quality of the construction project.

Bulk steel structure roof space frame construction method: Before the construction of the space frame structure of a construction project officially starts, it is necessary to do a good job in the research and analysis of the construction related conditions of the project, and grasp all kinds of data information of engineering construction in depth. Scaffolding is usually widely used in the construction process, and good scaffolding construction work can better play a higher role of scaffolding. Reduce the various adverse effects brought by some safety hazards and other problems that may occur during the construction of the space frame structure. During the construction of the space frame structure of the project, in order to achieve better construction quality and ensure construction safety, high-altitude bulk construction technology can be adopted. This will help to fully improve the stability and bearing capacity of the overall structure of the construction project, and further lay a solid foundation for the structural safety of the project. Therefore, relevant construction technicians need to formulate a more scientific and reasonable construction plan based on the actual construction situation of the project, and according to the specific requirements of the construction of the project, check and supervise the effective safety protection means of the construction site staff of the project, so as to provide a high level and high standard of scientific management for the subsequent construction process. Help construction personnel to improve the efficiency of construction. In the process of upgrading the space frame structure of the project, each key link needs to be strictly supervised, managed and controlled. If any problems affecting the construction quality and construction safety of the project are found during the construction process, they should be reported in time and solved effectively. Avoid the safety hazard to the later construction of the project to cause more serious threats and negative interference, and even cause more serious construction safety accidents. It is also necessary to strictly supervise and manage the key construction links of construction projects, especially the construction of scaffolding to meet the safety construction standards and requirements of engineering projects. In the construction of engineering projects, the scope of responsibility of each construction personnel and management personnel should be strictly delimited, so as to better stimulate their initiative and enthusiasm, pay more attention to the quality of construction and supervision of engineering projects, and better contribute to the construction quality and construction safety of engineering projects.

Key technologies of high-altitude bulk construction of large-span steel structure space frame ceiling: 1. Scheme optimization In the process of construction and construction of the space frame structure of the project, in order to ensure the overall construction efficiency, construction quality and construction safety of the project, it is necessary to fully improve the perfection and optimization of the project construction plan, so as to better provide effective guidance for the construction and construction of the project. For the key and difficult problems of engineering construction, it is necessary to strengthen the annotation in the construction plan, and provide the construction operation specifications and indicate the management key points for the construction personnel and management personnel of the project. 2. In the process of the construction of the space frame structure of the main construction technology engineering project, it is necessary to emphasize the key and difficult problems of the construction of the project, help the construction personnel to identify the construction key points, and also remind the construction management personnel of the construction supervision objectives to ensure the effective improvement of the construction quality of the project. First, hoisting technology is the key technology of structural assembly in the entire construction technology application, and it is necessary to deal with the application of hoisting technology. The second is the space frame assembly technology. When the corresponding space frame is hoisted to the construction site by hoisting technology, the corresponding space frame assembly should be carried out to ensure that the corresponding technical application control points can be handled well in the application process of the assembly technology. The third is high-altitude bulk technology. After the assembly technology of the space frame is processed, welding technology and other auxiliary technologies can be used to deal with high-altitude scattered technology.