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Horizontal seismic performance of space frame structure


In recently years, with the progress of society and the rapid development of the social and technology, more space frame building structure with beautiful appearance, reasonable stress and innovative consciousness have appeared in people’s vision, Among them,the development status of large-span space structure has been become one of the important indicators to measure the level of building science and technology in a country. Our country has invested a lot in the theory and practice of space structure and has made significant progress. The space frame is composed of many steel bar from two or more regularly forming a multiple statically indeterminate structure, which belong to the space flexible structure system.

As for the seismic research of the space frame structure, the main focus is on the calculation of the vertical seismic action. This is because the space structure itself is studied for its response under the horizontal seismic action. It is usually concluded that the response under the horizontal seismic action is relatively small. The space structure is mostly used for tall and empty buildings. The support system and the space should jointly withstand horizontal earthquakes. The good spatial rigidity of the space provides this possibility. Therefore, the response of the space frame structure system under the horizontal earthquake action must be paid more attention.