Steel structure space frame roof structure news technical knowledge

How We Choose the Shape of a Space Frame?


The shape of space frame construction is the synth on the building plane shape and dimension, supporting, load, cost of the building.


How do we confirm the height of the space frame?

1, Load and size of equipment.

2, Plane size and shape (usually take 1/10-1/18 of span)

3, support condition (all-around support is better than dotted support)

4, Requirement of construction.


How do we confirm the dimension of the grid?

 The material of the roof: less than 4m without purline, and less than 6m with purline. The quantity of the grid is more than 5 in the short span. The angle of the adjacent bar is between 30o and 45o.


Why do we need to make the arch chamber?

To avoid the sagging sense of vision and psychological also to reduce the deflection of the space frame with the effect of the permanent load.


SAFS devote to the development of space frame for several years, professional manufacture of space frame for diverse projects such as aircraft hangar, bulk storage, warehouse and skylight roof, etc.

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