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Shaoxing Exhibition hall shaped large span steel structure – metal roof integrated design


Shaoxing International Convention and Exhibition Center Phase I B project Hall 1 is a rhythmical staggered roof shape, the exhibition hall no column span 72 m, steel structure and metal roof system design, construction is difficult; Hall 1 is required to start construction and put into use that year, and the construction period is extremely tight. In view of the project problems, the project made full use of the characteristics of EPC mode, the design and construction subjects participated in the design plan consultation, took the on-time payment requirements, site construction efficiency and cross-professional connection as the focus of design management, studied, compared and implemented the main body and roof design scheme, and achieved good results. Its specific contents are:
1) In view of the large-span special-shaped building form, a large-span steel structure scheme is innovatively proposed to fit the rhythmic staggered single-slope roof, and giant trusses are arranged at the staggered parts to improve the overall rigidity and structural efficiency of the roof, so as to realize the organic combination of roof modeling and reliable structure. After analysis and verification, the structural scheme has strong bearing capacity, excellent seismic performance, economic, reliable, applicable and beautiful structure, which greatly reduces the difficulty of metal roof design and construction, lays a good foundation for ensuring the project period target, and can provide a useful reference for the choice of similar/rectangular tooth shaped roof structure scheme.
2) Aiming at the characteristics of low construction efficiency, poor construction safety and late closing time of the conventional metal roofing system, an innovative metal roofing system is proposed, which integrates the supporting components of the roof bottom plate into the main steel structure to reduce the overhead working process of the roof system; The high-wave steel bearing plate is directly laid on the steel structure completion surface with a span of 4.5m, which changes the operation mode of traditional metal roofing system first purlin system and then bottom plate, and greatly improves the operation efficiency and construction safety of metal roofing system. Roof bottom and purlin system separation load, the roof bottom directly transfer the structural layer weight to the main steel structure, improve the utilization rate of the main steel structure, purlin system only support the roof plate, purlin system with small force, steel province; Except for the roof purlin brackets, no other parts penetrate the TPO waterproof layer, making it a true “two-channel waterproof” and improving the waterproof effect of the metal roof.
The project finally took 112 days to complete the construction of steel structure and metal roof system, which is nearly 4 months shorter than similar projects. The significant social and economic benefits reflect the huge advantages of EPC mode, and its integrated design thought and practice can provide useful reference for similar projects.