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Causes and prevention of corrosion in space frame engineering


Due to the use of steel structural materials in most space frame projects, rust and corrosion are likely to occur due to the influence of paint and the natural environment.Next, we will discuss how to implement effective anti-corrosion measures during the construction of large-scale space frame structures.
I. Causes of corrosion affecting large-scale space frame projects
Firstly, the aging problem of coatings in space frame engineering. No matter what material it is, there is basically an aging characteristic, and this anti-corrosion coating is no exception. It is also the aging of this coating that causes the failure of the steel structure anti-corrosion coating, which in turn leads to rust and affects the service life.
Another factor is the natural environment surrounding the space frame structure project. If the air around the steel structure factory building is relatively humid, it will inevitably cause the steel structure to gradually rust under the erosion of water and air.
In addition, if the surrounding environment is heavily polluted, including the presence of corrosive and harmful components such as sulfides, nitrides, and carbides in the polluted atmosphere, it will also affect the service life of the steel structure factory building.
Therefore, for the maintenance of the steel portal frame project, it is necessary to pay attention at all times, it is best to apply a layer of film, and after a period of time, it is necessary to apply anti-corrosion paint to make it last longer.

II. Anti-corrosion measures for large-scale space frame structure projects
1.Surface treatment: Surface treatment of steel structures is very important. The same paint and the same corrosion environment can extend the service life of different construction processes by three to five times.The dirt and rust layer on the steel surface should be removed, especially the black oxide scale formed during the rolling of steel, which is the cathode of electrochemical corrosion and the root cause of corrosion and must be removed.The quality of surface treatment should meet the Sa2.5 level of the pre-treatment specification for steel surface before painting.
2. Material selection: The surface is coated with special steel structure anti-corrosion paint, which is still the main means of anti-corrosion for steel structures and space frame structures.The anti-corrosion coating for steel structures can be divided into primer, intermediate coat and topcoat according to the protective function. Each layer of paint has its own characteristics and performs its own function. When combined, several layers form a composite coating, which improves the anti-corrosion performance and extends the service life.
3. Coating thickness: Coating is an intermediate material for corrosion protection, and it must be applied to form a coating.If the coating is unevenly thick, the burrs on the steel surface or the peaks of the anchor will expose the coating.If the coating construction is less, the coating has pinholes, and oxygen, chloride ions, water molecules, etc. in the water will pass through these weak places, causing the steel to rust and corrode.The volume of corrosion products expands, forming rust pockets that gradually expand, eventually causing the coating to blister and fall off.