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Steel structure manufacturers effectively improve fire resistance


The steel structures commonly used in the construction industry have many advantages such as light weight and recyclable materials. However, due to the fact that steel itself cannot withstand high temperatures, it affects the safety of steel structure buildings and hinders the development of steel structure manufacturers.

1. Application of fire-resistant and weather-resistant steel for construction. General steel has poor fire resistance, but relevant technical means can be used to change the material composition of steel, add specific ingredients, change the structure and metallographic structure of steel, and improve the fire resistance and weather resistance of steel itself. This is fire-resistant and weather-resistant steel. When the temperature reaches 600℃, the strength of this steel decreases by less than 30%. In addition, due to its good fire resistance, the thickness of the protective layer can be appropriately reduced during construction, and even anti-rust paint can be omitted, which can save a certain amount of cost. The application of fire-resistant and weather-resistant steel is a fundamental solution and should be vigorously promoted. At present, many companies in my country can produce fire-resistant and weather-resistant steel for construction, which provides a good source of materials for steel structure buildings.

2. Use structural forms and components with strong fire resistance. The fire resistance of pure steel structure is relatively poor, but it can be appropriately combined with concrete to form mixed components, or reinforced concrete structure can be directly used in some key parts. For example, steel tube concrete columns can be used for columns, which can effectively improve the fire resistance limit. Moreover, the larger the diameter of the steel tube, the longer the fire resistance time. A circular steel tube concrete column with a diameter of 500mm can meet the fire resistance time of 3h when coated with a 15mm thick insulation fire retardant coating. However, components with higher fire protection requirements such as floor slabs and stairs should still use reinforced concrete structures as much as possible.

steel structure buiding

3. Adopt reasonable steel component fire protection structural treatment plan. The steel structure fire protection structural method should be reasonable, strong, economical, easy to construct, and conducive to decoration. When the enclosure or partition components of non-combustible bodies are on the same axis as the steel components, the non-combustible wall itself can be used to provide fire protection for the steel components without the need for a separate fire protection layer. For those steel components exposed to the outside, reasonable fire protection structural methods should be adopted.

4. Implement effective fire protection methods. Common fire protection methods for steel structures include external concrete protection, external steel wire mesh cement mortar, external fireproof board and spray fireproof coating. External concrete protection is to completely wrap the steel components with concrete, and structural steel bars should also be configured in the concrete to prevent the concrete from falling off. Wire mesh cement mortar fire protection is to use metal mesh to apply 50# mortar as a protective layer, which is also a traditional construction method. External fireproof board can be made of non-combustible materials such as fiber reinforced cement board, gypsum board, calcium silicate board, vermiculite board, etc. to wrap the steel components.

5. The fire resistance of steel structure depends on steel. Steel itself does not burn and has good heat resistance. Based on the physical properties of steel, steel structure, a green and environmentally friendly building structure, has been quite popular in developed countries. Don’t let fire resistance hinder the pace of steel structure manufacturers. We should actively take various effective measures to improve the fire resistance of steel structure and accelerate the development of steel structure.