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The support methods for space frame structures


1. Perimeter support space frame structure: In this method, all nodes on the perimeter of the space frame structure act as support nodes, and they can be supported either at column tops or on connection beams. This approach facilitates direct and uniform force transfer and is commonly employed.

2. Three-sided support space frame structure: When one side of a rectangular building is designed as an open gate and passage due to production needs, or when architectural requirements make one side unsuitable for bearing structures, a three-sided support space frame structure is utilized.

3. Two-sided support space frame structure: In this method, only the nodes on two relative sides of a quadrilateral space frame structure are designated as support nodes, while the remaining two sides are free sides. This type of truss support method sees limited use.

4. Point-supported space frame structure: The principle behind employing point-supported trusses is to minimize positive bending moments and deflection throughout the entire truss system in order to achieve even distribution of internal forces. For single-span multi-point supports, the cantilever length should be 1/3 of the middle span; for multi-span multi-point supports, it should be 1/4 of the middle span. A combination of peripheral and point supports results in a configuration where peripheral supports serve as primary supports with additional intermediate points added within the building to effectively reduce peak internal forces and member deflection. This form is particularly suitable for large-column industrial workshops, warehouses, exhibition halls, etc.